Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012.

This Thanksgiving was the first year both Joe and I have been too far away to spend the holiday with family, but it still was a wonderful day! We were blessed to spend the evening with Eugene and Sing Your (our good friends from church), Eugene's brother visiting from Ann Arbor, MI, as well as another couple. Eugene and Sing Your are both physicians so when we get together with them there is no shortage of medical stories between them and Joe. (I try to look like I know what they are saying.) Out of everybody there that day, Joe and I were the ones that had the most Thanksgiving traditions, so we volunteered to bring the turkey, gravy, green bean cassarole, sweet potato cassarole, rolls, and pumpkin pie. The lesson we learned this year is not to be afraid of cooking the turkey!

Joe, Eugene, me, and Sing Your before eating our Thanksgiving feast.

Joe and I have many, many things to give thanks to God for this year. He continues to provide for us, love us, and stretch us in new ways here. We hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving.

"Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever." Psalm 136:26.


  1. Looks yummy!!! I am so impressed at your Thanksgiving spread! We sure missed you!

  2. Patrick just saw this and was impressed. He said, "WOW, Beth made all that!!"
    He knows a lot of work when he sees it. : )
