Saturday, October 27, 2012

Independence National Historical Park.

Our first day there we went to Independence Hall, saw the Liberty Bell, and stood next to Benjamin Franklin's grave. The Independence Hall tour guide kept repeating that it was the "most historic square mile in the most historic city in the United States." We really enjoyed our day there and could have easily spent another in this part of Philadelphia just walking around, taking tours, talking to the John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Betsy Ross impersonators.

Crossing this bridge (which we did each day) from NJ into PA will cost you $5 a pop.

We had to get our pictures next to Independence Hall.

Father of the US Navy, Commodore John Barry.
American Philosophical Society, aka first library.
Why we wanted to come.
The assembly room inside Independence Hall.

Senate meeting room.
Senate meeting room.

Committee room.
Memoriam to American soldiers who died as
POW's in Philadelphia in the War for Independence.
The Liberty Bell.
Outside Christ Church Burial Ground, Franklin's resting place.

"A penny saved is a penny earned." Pennies on Franklin's grave.

He tore from the skies the lightning and from tyrants the scepter.
Signer of the Constitution.
List of Benjamin Franklin's accomplishments. What a life.

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